n How to Best Help Others | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

There’s always something “bad” going on in the world.

But if you focus on it, and get depressed about it… then you lose your ability to focus on your work.

The best way to help the world is to be really successful at your own work — i.e., your business and your personal life.

…Because THEN you can create lots of money, inspiration, and hope for others.

You can be a role model for others.

People’s biggest hope is to lift themselves out of their own “bad” situations…while being open to divine help.

That means no matter what, you’re doing something each day to move yourself forward…even if life’s challenges seem overbearing.

Yesterday I was mourning the loss of “one billion animals” that perished in the Australia wild fires.

I’ve never even been there, but I know people who live there.

And I’m a very sensitive soul when it comes to animals.

I’m sensitive to a lot of things — environment, energy, toxins.

But that’s part of my gift in why I’m here.

I’m sensitive to nuances, details, small things that can make a huge difference… all of which comes in handy in my work as a copywriter, editor, writer, and anti-marketer.

You might think, “What can ONE person do to help others in a really bad situation?”

Well, the answer is…”Rock at your business!”

It’s your little daily actions, over time, that make the biggest difference.

People are currently donating millions of dollars to help firefighters in Australia, and to care for surviving animals.

Money is a short-term way to help.

But it doesn’t fix everything overnight.

It doesn’t grow back all the nature that was lost.

We also need to look at what consequences our actions are creating, long-term…

“How can we (as business owners) make this world a better place for future generations — even better than it is for us now?”

We can, and should, look at EVERYTHING we’re doing in our business, from small to large details:

1. How much waste are we producing as a company (if any)? Why are we tolerating that?

2. How much waste are we creating in our finances (if any)? Why are we allowing that?

3. Is there ANYTHING we’re doing that’s harming another person? (if so, it’s gotta go).

4. Is there ANYTHING we’re doing that’s harming ourselves, our longevity in business, or our health/happijness? (if so, it’s gotta go).

5. How much “wasted opportunity” are we letting slip by, due to not being able to act on it quickly enough, or in an effective fashion?…for whatever reason?

We can also ask more positive questions:

6. What does my best self look like?

7. What the best version of my business look like?…and what would it take to make that a reality?

One single business owner has the power to make positive changes for their own life & biz… and this has a positive effect for others around them.

It makes others around them want to do better, too.

If everyone in the whole world “chooses to do better” — then our world gets better!

But it starts with you.

Happy Friday!

Founder, The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

P.S. Need copywriting or editing this year? Send me an email and let’s discuss your projects. I’ll be doing a big anti-marketing push for my forthcoming book for most of 2020, so I’ll only be working with a handful of select clients this year. Get in now, while this service is still available!

I write and edit:

  • Sales pages
  • Landing pages
  • Funnels
  • Autoresponders
  • Email/blog articles
  • Google ads
  • “Quick edits”
  • And more

Get started here.

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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