n Writer Math: How to Make Six Figures Writing Part-Time | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

Be prepared to have your mind blown, aspiring copywriter! In order to become a 6-figure copywriter, all you need to do is re-visit some basic third grade math… in particular, simple multiplication.

Do you remember how to multiply? If not, let me refresh your memory…

1 x 1 = 1

1 x 2 = 2

2 x 2 = 4

(If you’re already confused… you may want to just stick to your day job. You’re not cut out to write for a living.)

But if you’re like, “Okay Michelle, DUH… get to the part where I make 6 figures as a copywriter…”

Then here’s your #WriterMath:

The simplest way to make 6 figures as a freelance copywriter is to either:

  • Charge 2 retainer clients $5,000 per month


  • Charge 1 client $10,000 per month


(Ahhh, look at those zeros…let the spaciousness and beauty of them sink in 😍)

Do that consistently, month after month, and you’ve just made six figures a year as a copywriter ($120,000 to be exact).

Yes, it’s really that simple.

It’s a simple math equation.

Write for 2 clients, charge $5k/month, and do that consistently month after month.

(If you want to aim higher, just change the numbers.)


Now… what gets in the way of this “simple writer math”?

Answer: —-> You and the stories you tell yourself.

Nothing blocks a writer from landing clients faster than poor, disempowered self-talk and low-level actions that align with that negative story.

If you’re walking around saying:

  • “Nobody would pay me that much…”
  • “Nobody has the budget for that…”
  • “There’s no retainer clients out there…”
  • “I’m not worthy of receiving that much…”
  • “Why would anyone pay ME that amount?”


…Then THAT STORY will complicate your life and block you from making the 6-figure income you crave.

Let THAT sink in!!!

As your copywriting coach and mentor, I’m asking you to ditch the story that holds you back.

The fix: Start telling yourself a NEW story that helps you get the outcomes you want. Back up that story with daily actions that move you forward, not backward. Do this consistently every day… and don’t f@$%king quit.

Want my help developing a strong copywriter mindset that doesn’t quit? Apply for my coaching program for aspiring copywriters. (1-on-1 & group coaching options available.)



About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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