n A new year…a new opportunity to rock it out! | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

How was your 2015?

Mine was pretty good…It was my highest grossing year ever in business.

I wasn’t expecting this, because I wasn’t intentionally trying to out-earn myself…but I did anyway.

Compared to previous years, I worked fewer hours — but created MORE VALUE during those hours. As a result, I enjoyed my work more. 2015 was also the year I experienced the least amount of stress.

What do I attribute these positive changes to? Three things…

1. I worked with a mentor for 12 months. He modeled a better way of thinking and BEING for me. His weekly check-ins, critiques of my marketing, reframes on my limited thinking, and presence were invaluable to me.

2. I tolerated less bullshit in 2015. I simply “tuned out” to conversations that didn’t help me move forward. And for the most part, I ignored people who weren’t committed to their own success. (The only times I experienced stress were when I *didn’t* ignore them.)

3. I created daily habits that helped reinforce the beliefs I wanted to adopt, and the person I wanted to be.

All three of these have to do with putting SUPPORTIVE STRUCTURES in place — i.e., creating systems, routines, or anything else that automatically assist you in doing the right thing.

For me, having a mentor created a supportive structure in my life. I knew that each week, I would be checking in with him about my progress.

Implementing positive daily habits was also a supportive structure — as these habits kept me on track and REMINDED me of the person I wanted to be. They also broke big goals down into small, actionable steps I could take daily.

The decision to “tune out bullshit” created an easy way to make decisions, thus saving me time and energy.

Robert Fritz, author of “The Path of Least Resistance,” says that structure determines behavior, not the other way around.

So if you want to change your behavior — if you want a different experience in 2016 — then you need to create structures in your life and business that will aid you in creating what you want.

Eliminate the structures that hinder you.

By the way, “hoping things will be different in 2016” is a structure that hinders you. It’s actually a MINDSET that will hinder you…because it implies there’s a possibility things won’t be different.

Hope is very similar to the mindset I had during my most stressful years in my business (but not in 2015).

How will you create success for yourself in 2016?

Will you take the actions needed to build your email list?

Will you challenge the marketplace with TRUTH?…even if it makes you nervous?

Will you create marketing funnels that turn email subscribers into paying customers quickly?

Your success is in your hands. Luckily, you can multiply it by taking advantage of my marketing expertise. I can help you create the STRUCTURES that will bring you the success you want in 2016.

Talk soon,

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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