n Our Christmas Road Trip! | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

Coming back from traveling is always so satisfying.

There are a hundred different insights bubbling in my head…a hundred different angles and topics I could write about in this newsletter.

But the rule is, we teach on one thing, one principle at a time.

Introduce two variables, and people get confused… and they don’t buy shit.

My untamed mind naturally wants to go off in a thousand different directions.

But one theme kept popping up during this road trip to Nebraska…

This is truly the best place to be.

No matter where you are, you’re always in the present moment. And that’s the best place to be.

If you’re driving down a slick, snowy mountain (or in the passenger seat)… you’re in the present moment.

If you’re excitedly greeting a dog who was lost for four days… you’re in the present moment.

If you’re yelling, “No thanks, I’ll pass…you fat fucking bitch!” to a mask Nazi who just yelled at you on ‘Indian Reservation’ lands… you’re in the present moment.

If you’re thinking, “This client is insane,” and then they coincidentally don’t buy more articles from you… you’re in the present moment.

If you’re walking into a gas station, greeting the clerk — a friendly woman with a pistol strapped to her side who tells you about a ‘sale on water’ that you couldn’t care less about — and you’re thinking, “What a bad ass” because of her gun… you’re in the present moment.

Society tries to sell you on the illusion that THAT “present moment” is better than THIS OTHER present moment.

Think about how stupid that is.

The present is the present, regardless of where (or when) you are.

You can show up sloppy as shit to your present moment, half-assing everything… or you can show up giving your best, always pushing yourself beyond what you believe is your best.

You’re obligated to no one but God to treasure YOUR present moments and to show others how to do the same.

Right now, a war is being waged on humans ‘being present’… and the more I see this, the more I’m like, “DAMN. Sign me up for more of MY LIFE.

Humans need to learn to love and treasure themselves and their individual lives so much that they don’t ever want to escape the present moment for something else.

I see so many people living in complete illusions, falsely believing that ‘some other present moment’ will be better than their current present moment.

It’s all in your mind, your attitude, and what you choose to BE daily.

With that said, I hope you got all the ‘presents’ you wanted this year (a.k.a. created the experiences you wanted) and had a Merry Christmas!!!


P.S. If you watched my travel adventures on Instagram, THANK YOU! Lol, I kind of love the fact that stories disappear after 24 hours. I can talk shit, post my ‘human’ flawed moments… and then they’re gone. If you missed it, you missed it. If you saw it, you were there. Pretty epic.

P.P.S. Need a revamp of your business and/or YOURSELF in 2022? Let’s hop on a Zoom call and get you into a life-changing program! 2021 was a record year, and 2022 is gearing up to be better than ever.

Email me if you’re ready to get started.

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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