n “At the Top of My Small Business Bookshelf is The Anti-Marketing-Manifesto” | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

During our recent trip to North Platte, Nebraska, Dan and I were talking about our upcoming move to Arizona.

“You’re gonna need a lot of jean shorts,” he told me.

He’s lived in Vegas in the past, so he’s familiar with the desert heat!

“I don’t think I’ve even owned jean shorts since I was 12,” I said.

We headed to the mall in North Platte, which is practically deserted itself… and we walked into The Buckle.

Of course, I headed straight to the “distressed” jean section like I always do and stocked up on expensive, ripped jean shorts.

(Isn’t it funny how we pay for ripped new stuff.)

I snapped a pic (above) and paid for my new clothes.

I’m ready for the heat! I’m always cold in Colorado, no matter what the temperature.

When we got home from… my inbox was full of article requests, tasks, and emails from clients.

One client, Kim, sent her Amazon review of my book, The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout:

Some of the most practical & profitable advice to grow your business.

Michelle’s no-nonsense writing style with tons of real-world examples puts this book on the top of my list for my small business bookshelf. There are no special tricks (like there is no free money) just practical and honest methods to grow sales. The principles she outlines are all about how to establish a life-long connection with your perfect-fit customer (PFC, Michelle’s acronym). Michelle’s language includes four-letter words — personally, I don’t mind that at all, but just a note on that for future readers.

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Wow! I love being “at the top of someone’s small business bookshelf”!

That means a lot… because when I was first starting my business back in 2006, I couldn’t find a single book that was helpful… they all seemed to revolve around predatory marketing and selling tactics, which I couldn’t stomach.

It took me over a decade to figure out how to fucking sell while simply being myself.

Kim’s right… there are no special tricks. There’s no free money.

And even if there was, it pales in comparison to money you EARN from your business!

I’ve always believed in having lifelong clients who love your stuff… hence the term, PFC (perfect-fit customer/client).

The idea is that you provide such damn good value in your products/services, and such great fucking content, people are inspired to stick around.

Not everyone…just the true fans.

And yea…my book has 4-letter words in it. It wouldn’t be authentic without them.

I say “Fuck marketing” a lot in the chapter on predatory marketing… and then show the better alternative.

I’m curious, have you read The Anti-Marketing Manifesto? Would you put it at the top of your list for your small business bookshelf? If not, who’s at the top of yours? Do share!

Author, The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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