n What barre class taught me about small daily actions | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

I’ve been taking barre classes on and off for over a year.

In between weightlifting, HIIT, MMA training exercises, and dancing, I do barre.

Barre is easily the toughest, most intense type of exercise I’ve ever done. But you’d never guess that, looking at the types of women who take it.

If you Google “barre classes,” you’ll see images of thin, slender, peaceful-looking women doing ballet poses on the barre.

They aren’t buff or ripped.

They’re in the zone, focused straight ahead.

In fact, they don’t even look like they’re doing much of anything.

But in reality, they’re engaging in the most intense 55-minute workout on earth. No jumping, no machinery, no high-impact movements.

Just your body, and the barre.

So what’s the secret?

It’s all about mastery of your physique.

Barre reaches the nooks and crannies of the deepest parts of your muscles, working them to fatigue.

Even training with professional MMA fighters didn’t leave me as sore.

To be able to lift your leg, point your toe, hold it there, and squeeze even though your glutes are burning and your obliques are quivering and your hamstrings are fatigued — holding it for as long as you can is the equivalent of mastering yourself. (You quickly learn where you’ve been cheating yourself!)

Bad-ass dance music playing in the background is just a bonus, inspiring you to conquer the act of self-mastery.

Barre isn’t about building excessive strength or muscles. It’s about maximizing what you can do with the TINIEST movements.

That’s why I love it and find it so challenging.

The tiniest movements, sustained, are what bring massive muscle quivering and change.

The same lesson can apply to marketing and business-building.

What is the tiniest, smallest action you can take each day that will yield the biggest results?

For me, that’s producing content every day.

One email. One page of writing. One section of my book. One song. One video. One podcast.

Doesn’t matter what the content is — just produce it.

Taking one small daily action like this and sustaining it over time, turns it into a habit…which then makes success more automatic.

Just like in a barre class, those who pull out early cheat themselves.

Those who maintain, even when it hurts or seems inconvenient, will reap the greatest rewards.

Talk soon,
Michelle Lopez
Organic CEO Podcast

P.S. Speaking of daily actions, sending a daily email to your list is a great way to achieve (and sustain) remarkable growth and success. How are you doing on your emails? Get a free Email Copy Audit from me to see how you can greatly improve your email content.

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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