n You are Your Greatest Liability | The Anti-Marketing Manifesto

You have debt problems?

You have spending problems?

You have an income problem?

You have anger issues?

You eat too much fat?

You consume too much fake news?

You consume to much angry alternative, truth-based news and it pisses you off?

…The problem is YOU.

You’re the common denominator.

You are your greatest liability.

You’re not being an “asset” to anyone (or yourself)… just an ass. Usually a hypocritical one.

I wrote about this in my book, The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout:

“More than anyone or anything else, you have the power to either succeed big or fuck up your business beyond belief.”

In business, being a liability shows up as you botching simple opportunities to make easy sales that would serve people.

(Botch: verb – “to spoil by poor work; bungle up; spoil by mistakes; to make something unsuccessful because of it being poorly done.)

“The habitual botching of easy sales.”

If you tolerate this, you’re a liability to yourself and your business.

The second you catch yourself making a mistake, botching a sale—be humble enough to admit it, learn the lesson, and apply it immediately… so that next time, you don’t make the same mistake twice.

People who refuse to learn from their mistakes are liabilities… to themselves, to their spouses, to their customers, to everyone.

(For example, the medical-industrial complex is an industry built on not admitting or learning from a single one of their mistakes. Google “vaccine liability” and see how predatory marketers in “medicine” can kill and injure people and legally get away with it…while pocketing billions in profit.)

It’s easy to see how predatory marketers are fucking over humanity…

But how are you fucking YOURSELF over, by being a liability?

This is a question no one wants to ask, because they’d rather blame and point the finger.

  • What in your behavior needs to change? Are you self-honest enough to admit it?
  • Where are you holding yourself back on building your purpose-driven business?
  • Where are you stifling your own growth for bullshit reasons?
  • Where do your sales funnels need to get razor sharp, to ensure every visitor gets maximum value from reading them?!
  • Where are self-created bottlenecks slowing down your efficiency?

Everyone who tolerates the same mistakes over and over again…is becoming more and more of a liability.

If this is the first time you’re asking these questions… pick up a copy of my book and read it! It will guide you to your own answers. (100% guru-free!)

You can’t read this book and NOT gain massive clarity and awareness around your own business.

(Yes, this is a book for #business owners, but I’ve been told by many non-biz owners they’re enjoying the heck out of reading it, too!)

Search on Amazon for “The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout” by Michelle Lopez Boggs.

Or just click here.

About the Author

Michelle Lopez Boggs is a copywriter, copywriting mentor, and author of "The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout." She's helped her clients sell millions of dollars' worth of products and services online by using the MEI(S) principle — motivate, educate, and inspire, and sell. Download a FREE chapter of her book here.

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